

Founded in 1994 by South Whidbey resident Lynn Willeford, South Whidbey Hearts & Hammers (SWH&H) has spent decades connecting South Whidbey residents with their neighbors-in-need. Through our annual Workday event, Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser, and our H.E.A.R.T. program, SWH&H is focused on building community on the island.

Who We Are

In the Press

Event Photos

Frequently Asked Questions

Hearts & Hammers is a local non-profit organization that brings together a community of local volunteers for Workday on the first Saturday in May, to help repair and rehabilitate homes of those who are physically or financially unable to do the work. From its humble beginning in 1994, the Hearts & Hammers’ Workday has grown to engage more than 350 volunteers working on 25-35 homes throughout the South Whidbey all on one day! QUESTIONS? CALL (360) 221-6063.
SWH&H focuses on homeowners south of Classic Road in Greenbank. For homes north of there, contact Central Whidbey Hearts and Hammers at cwheartsandhammers.org.

Workday is ONE day a year that engages with hundreds of volunteers, with work on multiple houses during that day.

H.E.A.R.T. is the Home Emergency Action Repair Team. It is a year-round emergency response team intended to assist with problems that won’t wait until Workday.

Homeowners who are physically or financially unable to do necessary repairs. The priorities for Workday projects are owner-occupied homes where repairs address health and safety issues and the repairs can be completed in one day by a team of volunteers. Homeowners can sign-up on our website or call (360) 221-6063 by January 31 to be considered for the annual May Workday. Our email is reply@heartsandhammers.com. A Hearts & Hammers board member will be in touch and ask a few questions. We do not consider rentals or non-owner occupied homes.

We do whatever repairs and renovations are possible within the scope of a one-day work party, including carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, painting, plastering, weatherization, some roof repair, yard cleanup and trash removal.

There is no charge to the homeowners. Costs are covered by the Spaghetti Dinner fundraising event, individual donations, donations from churches and service organizations, grants and donations from foundations and corporations, and by in some cases, in-kind donations of labor and materials.

Maintaining a home can be physically or financially difficult for the elderly, the disabled, or anyone with limited resources. Hearts & Hammers volunteers hope to build a community spirit and compassion while giving neighbors a helping hand.

If you are a homeowner who is unable to do necessary work on your home and would like to be considered for our May Workday, visit our website or call us at (360) 221-6063. January 31st is the deadline for accepting project applications. A Hearts & Hammers board member will be in touch. Priority is given to health and safety concerns. Homes are selected by the end of March.

Starting in October, homeowners can apply for assistance directly through our website sign-up page, by phone at (360) 221-6063, or by emailing us as reply@heartsandhammers.com. We also get suggestions from pastors, senior services, home health care, medical professionals, relatives, neighbors and community organizations. Work assessment teams visit applicant’s homes to determine needs and to see if the work is appropriate for volunteers, our budgets, and can be completed in one day. Priority is given to health and safety issues and keeping people in their homes. Final selections are approved by the board of Hearts & Hammers in early March.

Volunteers can range from highly-skilled to non-skilled, age 12 to 112, and willing to work! Whatever your skill level, we can find a place for you. Sign up on our website here. Or Volunteer sign-up forms can be found at local post offices and lumberyards. Watch for our volunteer kick-off Spaghetti Dinner held annually in February at the Langley United Methodist Church.

Volunteers are organized based on their skills and interests, under the leadership of a Team Captain for every Workday House project. Hearts & Hammers volunteers do whatever repairs and renovations are possible within the scope of a one-day work blitz, including but not limited to: carpentry, deck repair & ramp construction, plumbing, electrical work, plaster repair, painting, minor roof repairs, weatherization, garden and landscaping, yard cleanup, and debris hauling.

All volunteers will be contacted a few weeks prior to the Workday. Unfortunately, we cannot allow anyone under 12 to volunteer. Children 12-15 have to work with their parents, while 16-17 year olds may work with written parental permission. Permission forms can be downloaded from the website sign-up page and must be brought to the Workday event.

The Red Cross provides a free smoke alarm installation service to those in need. To request assistance, please submit a request through their website.

You can download one for yourself; find them in many locations around the Southend from November through May, such as in building supply stores, nurseries, and post offices; or you can contact us and we will be glad to send you one.

Give us just one day a year! If you’re handy, then consider joining the H.E.A.R.T. team who work on small emergency projects all year long. Come give us a day and we’ll give you friends and neighbors you didn’t have before. We need you!

South Whidbey Hearts & Hammers Social Equity Statement

SWH&H is committed to the principle of social equity; striving for justice, impartiality and fairness for all people, including those who qualify for our help. We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, and believe our community must continue to pursue racial justice here on Whidbey. By actively taking the time to help our neighbors in need, our volunteers assert their commitment to building a stronger community through compassionate work, regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender identity, age or disability.